7-6. Interface Commands Error
While using PC Interface, error message occurs to fix syntax error.
-120, "Suffix too long"
Occurs when memory buffer is more than 50byte.
121 "I
lid d t "
-121, "Invalid data"
Occurs when wrong alphabet is written on the digit.
ex) volt 10V
'V' is added.
Fix) volt 10
-122, "Syntax error"
Occurs when there is a syntax error.
Value is not written.
Fix) volt 10
-123, "Invalid suffix"
Occurs when there is an error at the last data.
ex)volt 10*
*' is added at the last description.
Fix) volt 10
124 "U d fi
d h
d "
-124, "Undefined header"
It occurs when undefined command is sent.
ex)volta 10
Recognize only volt or voltage.
Fix) voltage 10 OR volt 10
-220,"No execution"
Occurs when a command cannot be operated.
ex)Volt 20
Voltage setting 20V
Volt:OVP 15
Error occurs when user try to set OVP level less than
setting voltage.
-221, "Setting conflict"
SCPI commands exist, however does not apply current product.
ex)POL N Command to change polarity. However cannot be used in
Single channel power supply.
222 "Out of data"
-222, "Out of data"
Occurs when it is out of setting value range.
ex)volt 1000 Voltage value is too high.
Fix) volt 10
-223, "Incorrect error"
Occurs when a new operation is activated before buffer descriptions are not handled.
After sending commands, and sending another command before
the feedback.
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