This commands check current power supply setting current.
Return value "current"
ex) curr?
return value "2.5000"
[SOURce:]CURRent:STEP{<numeric value>}
This command set-up step value using CURR UP or CURR DOWN commands.
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> numeric value Input step value in range of available current
ex) curr:step 0.1
Setting step value 0.1A
Command which checks set-up step value.
Return value "numeric value"
ex) curr:step?
return value "0 1000"
ex) curr:step?
return value 0.1000
This command set-up OCP(Over current protection) Trip Level.
> current
Input current in range of OCP setting
ex) curr:prot 3.3
Set-up OCP Level 3.3A.
This command checks the OCP(Over current protection) Trip Level.
Return value "numeric value"
ex) curr:prot?
return value "5.2000"
[SOURce:]CURRent:PROTection:STATe {0|1|OFF|ON}
This command checks whether OCP Function is activated/deactivated.
> 0 OR OFF
OCP Function is deactivated
> 0 OR OFF
OCP Function is deactivated.
> 1 OR ON
OCP Function is activated.
ex) curr:prot:stat off
Set-up OCP function to deactivate.
This command checks whether OCP function is activated/deactivated.
Return value "0" - OCP Function is deactivated.
"1" - OCP Function is activated
1 OCP Function is activated.
ex) volt:prot:stat?
return value "1"
This command checks whether there is a trip in OCP(Over current protection).
Return value "0" - Normally activating
"1" - OCP Tripped
t:t i ?
ex) curr:prot:trip?
return value "1"
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