23 "E
t t
l th
-23, "En route to cal the curr"
It occurs when voltage calibration command is sent while current calibration.
-24, "Over volt min parameter"
It occurs when voltage minimum value of voltage is out of parameter.
Read reference "4-5. Calibration using Front Panel"
-25, "Under volt max parameter"
25, Under volt max parameter
It occurs when Maximum value of voltage is under the parameter.
Read reference "4-5. Calibration using Front Panel"
-26, "Over volt max parameter"
It occurs when Maximum value of voltage is out of the parameter.
Read reference "4-5. Calibration using Front Panel"
27 "I
-27, "Ignored min run under curr"
It occurs when MAX or Value is operated before setting current minimum value.
Sequence : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
-28, "Ignored min save under curr"
It occurs when user sent commands about max value for current before sending minimum.
Sequence : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
-29, "Invalid min value use under curr"
It occurs when user sent commands about max value for current before sending minumum.
Sequence : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
-30, "En route to cal the curr"
It occurs when you send commands about current calibration while voltage calibration.
-31, "Over curr min parameter"
It occurs when current minimum value is out of parameter.
Read reference "4-5. Calibration using Front Panel"
-32, "Under curr max parameter"
It occurs when current maximum value is under the parameter.
Read reference "4-5. Calibration using Front Panel"
-33, "Over curr max parameter"
It occurs when current maximum value is out of parameter.
Read reference "4-5. Calibration using Front Panel"
-34, "Not allowed command under cal"
Other commands cannot be used while Remote Calibration.
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