To dismiss a browser security warning:
Google Chrome: Click the ADVANCED link. Then, click the Proceed to x.x.x.x
(unsafe) link, in which x.x.x.x represents the domain name or IP address of the device.
Apple Safari: Click the Show Details button. Then, click the visit this website link.
If a warning pop-up window displays, click the Visit Website button. If another
pop-up window displays to let you confirm changes to your certificate trust settings,
enter your Mac user name and password and click the Update Setting button.
Mozilla Firefox: Click the ADVANCED button. Then, click the Add Exception button.
In the pop-up window that displays, click the Confirm Security Exception button.
Microsoft Edge: Select Details > Go on to the webpage.
Microsoft Internet Explorer: Click the Continue to this website (not
recommended) link.
User Manual
Installation and Initial Login
WiFi 6 AX1800/AX3200 Dual Band Wireless Access Points, WAX202 and WAX206