How to Modify the dm.config File to Change Camera and System Assignments
GigE Net
Getting Started with Visionscape GigE Cameras
Miniport , DEV=>::MAC->00-06-BE-00-09-4A::Baumer
Optronic::VISIONSCAPE CMG20</CameraID>
<ModelName>VISIONSCAPE CMG20</ModelName>
<Resource uid="07a05837-f79e-4827-8773-399c72bb1d63"
type="GigE_Camera" MACAddress="00-06-BE-00-09-4A">
<CameraID>TL=>GevTL , INT=>FD::MAC->00-1B-21-0A-0C-
72::National Instruments GigE Vision Adapter - Packet Scheduler
Miniport , DEV=>::MAC->00-06-BE-00-09-4A::Baumer
Optronic::VISIONSCAPE CMG20</CameraID>
<ModelName>VISIONSCAPE CMG20</ModelName>
We should now be able to bring up FrontRunner again and only see the
one camera. We should also be able to run jobs from our original camera
on this new device (assuming they are the same type of camera).
Everything looks fine in the debug window:
16:41:54 QuerySWRights: GigE license rights detected, features:
Visionscape GigE (x8): YES / IntelliFind: YES / Third Party GigE
Cameras: 0 allowed
16:41:56 CreateSystemsFromConfigFile: found 2 devices in dm.config
16:41:56 Creating GigE System 1: GigEVision1
16:41:56 Channel 0 (Filter Driver): Microscan VISIONSCAPE
CMG20 (1624x1236) MAC="00-06-BE-00-09-4A" IP=""
16:41:56 Creating SW System 1: SoftSys1
16:41:57 Creating IO Server for System GigEVision1
16:41:58 Creating IO Server for System SoftSys1
This is certainly not as simple as it was when all you had to do to replace
a camera was unplug the old one and plug in the replacement – but it’s
not rocket science either.