MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
A. If supply is more than 60 volts, then magnet valve is defective.
Replace the magnet valve.
12. If supply is zero, check the supply at the magnet valve coil terminal
(wire no. 0) with respect to locomotive 4 wire.
A. If the voltage is zero, check continuity of 0 wire loop connected
to magnet valve.
13. If voltage is more than 65V, check the voltage between locomotive
wire No. 13 (TB) and wire RVRCL at magnet valve coil.
A. If the voltage is zero,
a) Check the slackness of the connector of the cable ID: AY. If
slack tighten the connector.
b) Check the wire continuity of RVRCL from the magnet valve to
connector of cable ID: AY pin – N. If necessary replace the
c) The digital output card might be defective. Change the card
and check up once again.
14. Press 0 to de-energise the magnet valve and press menu key to