MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
the AGFI current sensor.
14. If voltage at AGC (AGFI) is more than 65V, check the voltage AGF
backside TB and locomotive 4 wire.
A. If the voltage is zero,
a) Wire-AGC from AGFI to AGPR interlock is open circuited.
Check and replace.
b) AGPR interlocks bad. Replace the AGPR relay.
c) Wire-AGF from AGPR interlock and backside TB is open
circuited. Check and replace.
15. If voltage at wire AGF at the backside TB is more than 65V,
A. Check the slackness of the connecter of cable ID: AR at MEP660.
If slack tighten.
B. Check the continuity of wire AGF from TB to connector of cable
ID: AR, Pin – C. If necessary replace the cable.
C. Switch off AGFB and reconnect the AGF wire to backside TB.
Switch ON AGFB.
16. If still AGFI is showing zero, MPWM2 card might be defective.
Replace the card check up.