MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
FAULT MESSAGE P31 Stuck Closed without Aux Contact ON. Check if Contact welded.
Series Motoring &
Dynamic Braking.
30 seconds
Medium, Manual
After manual reset if the fault still present, the fault will be generated
1. Defective P31 contactor.
2. Defective aux. interlock of P31 contactor.
3. Defective wiring.
4. Defective TM5AI current sensor.
5. Defective MDIP16 card in slot no: 10.
This message will log whenever Traction Motor 5 current is sensed
through TM5AI but P31 contactor aux. interlock feed back is not
sensed. Due to delayed operation of contactor or contactor stuck in
mid position can cause the above fault.
1. Check the status of the P31 power contactor. If the contactor is
stuck in mid position replace the contactor.
2. If the contactor is normal,
A. Check the operation of the power contactor by manually
operating the magnetvalve. Ensue that the contactor is
operating freely with out any delay. If the contactor is sluggish
in operation replace the contactor.
B. Run manual test for the power contactor and ensure the
feedback is detected correctly by the system.
3. If the Feed back is not detected by the system in the manual test,
A. Check the status of green LED 4 on digital input card MDIP16 in
slot No.10. If the LED glows while the contactor is ON:
a. Then the MDIP16 card is defective. Replace the card.
B. If the green LED is not glowing while the contactor pick up,
check the volage between wires P31 FB and 4 wire.
C. If Voltage is mre than 65V, then the connector of cable ID: AU
is slack or the wire P31FB is open circuited. Identify and rectify.
If necessary replace the cable.
D. If voltage is zero, check the voltage between 51 and 4 at the
auxiliary contact of P31. If voltage is more than 65V, the Aux.
Cntact is bad. Replace the aux. Contacts of power contactor.
E. If the voltage is zero, wire loop of 51 wire is defective. Identify
and replace.
4. If every thing is normal, check the current of TM No.5 while
opening the first notch and set the display to wheel slip mode.
A. If the TM5 current is showing abnormally high as compared to
2rd TM current, check the currents in parallel operation.
B. Compare the TM5 current with all other TM currents.
C. If the TM5 current is abnormally high, replace the current
sensor of TM5.