MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
through the faults active at that point of time, which will be displayed one by one based
on their priority, and he can clear any fault by pressing “0” key, when that fault is on
display. If it is an access level-LOW fault, the system clears the fault immediately and
informs the same on the display unit, simultaneously removing any restrictions in loco
operation imposed by that fault.
Access Level Medium:
These faults are meant for clearing only by maintenance staff of
the locomotive shed. Clearing of these faults requires higher level of knowledge about
the locomotive. Clearing of these faults can be done only by entering a pass code, which
the system requests to enter, when “0” key is pressed against such fault in “Clear Active
Faults” menu.
Access Level High:
The access level is only for very few faults where, in depth
knowledge of locomotive equipment as well as knowledge of MEP 660 system is
necessary. These faults can be cleared only through a LAPTOP PC connected to the MEP
660 system and they cannot be cleared through display unit.