MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
3. If SLBR is in pickd up condition and any of the SLBC contactor is
not picked up, concerned SLBR interlock is bad or 13SLB wire loop
is missing. Identify and rectify.
4. If the SLBR relay and all SLBC contactors are picking up, then
check the voltage between wire 51 at SLBC interlocks and wire 4 of
A. If voltage is zero, 51-wire loop is defective. Identify and
replace the wrong wiring.
B. If voltage is more than 65 volts, check the following:
a. Check the slackness of connector of cable ID: AX, if slack
tighten the connector.
b. Check the continuity of wire SLBCFB from SLBC aux.
Interlock to pin –P of connector ID: AX. If no continuity,
replace the cable.
c. Check the status of LED-13 on MDIP16 card in slot –12. If
LED is OFF, inspite of continuity is OK and connector is tight
then MDIP16 card in slot-12 might be defective. Replace the
MDIP16 card in slot-12.