J94S.book Page 10 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Driving Y our M azda
Starting and Driving
S h iftin g fro m N o r P:
I t ’s dan gerou s to sh ift fr o m N o r P
into a drivin g g e a r w h en the engine is
ru n n in g fa s te r than idle. I f this is
done, the veh icle c o u ld m ove
suddenly, ca u sin g an a ccid en t o r
seriou s injury. I f the engine is
ru n n in g fa s te r than idle, d o n ’t sh ift
fro m N o r P into a d rivin g gear.
D (D rive)
D is the n orm al driving position. F ro m a
sto p , the transaxle w ill autom atically shift
through a 4-gear sequence.
2 (S econd)
T he 2 position is helpful w hen driving in
heavy, slow -m oving traffic and clim bing
hills, for engine braking assist w hen going
dow n hills, o r for starting on slick
surfaces and other situations w h e re gentle
acceleration m ay b e necessary.
D o not exceed the follow ing speeds in the
2 position.
▼ Shift-Lock System
For y o u r safety, th e a u to m a tic tra n s a x le
h a s a sh ift-lo c k , w h ic h p re v e n ts sh iftin g
o u t of P u n les s th e b r a k e p e d a l is
d e p re ss e d .
To shift from P:
1. D epress and hold the brake pedal.
2. S tart the engine.
3. P u sh and hold the lock-release button.
4. M ove the shift lever.
• W hen the ignition sw itch is in the
L O C K position, the transaxle
cannot be shifted from P.
• To be sure the vehicle is in park, th e
ig n itio n k e y c a n n o t b e re m o v e d
u n le s s th e s h ift le v e r is in P.
2.0 -liter engine
116 km /h (72 mph)
2.5 -liter engine
104 km /h (65 mph)
1 (Low )
U se the 1 position for m axim um pow er in
hard-pulling situations, or for clim bing
and descending very steep grades.
D o not exceed the follow ing speeds in the
1 position.
2.0-liter engine
63 km /h (39 mph)
2.5-liter engine
60 km /h (38 mph)
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Содержание MX-6
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