J94S.book Page 3 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Custom er Inform ation
Customer Assistance
▼ Satisfaction Review Process
Your com plete and perm anent satisfaction is o f prim ary concern to M azda. A ll A uthorized
M azda D ealers have both the know ledge and tools to keep y o u r M azda in top condition. In
our experience, any questions, problem s, o r com plaints regarding the operation o f your
M azda or any other general service transactions are m ost effectively resolved by your
dealer. If the cause o f y o u r dissatisfaction cannot adequately be addressed by norm al
dealership procedures, w e recom m end that you take the follow ing steps:
▼ STEP 1 Contact the Mazda Dealer
D iscuss the m atter w ith a m em ber o f dealership m anagem ent. If the S erv ice M anager has
already review ed y o u r concerns, contact the ow ner o f the dealership o r its G eneral
M anager.
▼ STEP 2 Contact the Mazda Regional Office
If you feel that you still require assistance, ask the dealer S erv ice M anager to arrange for
you to m eet the local M azda S ervice R epresentative. If m ore expedient, contact M azda
C anada Inc.R egional O ffice nearest you for such arrangem ents. R egional O ffice address
and phone num bers are show n (page 9-5).
▼ STEP 3 Contact the Mazda Customer Relations Department
If still n ot substantially satisfied, contact the C ustom er R elations D epartm ent, M azda
C anada Inc., 305 M ilner Avenue, Suite 400 S carborough, O ntario M 1B 3V 4 C anada TEL:
1 (800) 263-4680.
Provide the D epartm ent w ith the follow ing inform ation:
1. Your nam e, address and telephone num ber
2. Year and m odel o f vehicle
3. V ehicle Identification N um ber (V IN ). R efer to the "V ehicle Identification Labels" page
o f section 10 o f this m anual for the location o f the VIN .
4. P urchase date
5. P resen t odom eter reading
6. Your d e aler’s n am e and location
7. T he n ature o f y o u r problem and/or cause o f dissatisfaction
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Содержание MX-6
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