J94S.book Page 2 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Custom er Inform ation
Customer Assistance
Customer Assistance (U.S.A.)
Your com plete and perm anent satisfaction is our business. W e are h ere to serve you. A ll
A uthorized M azda D ealers have the know ledge and the tools to keep your M azda vehicle
in top condition.
If you have any questions o r recom m endations for im provem ent regarding the service o f
y o u r M azda vehicle or servicing by M azda D ealer p ersonnel, w e recom m end that y ou take
the follow ing steps:
▼ STEP 1: Contact Your Mazda Dealer
D iscuss the m atter w ith an A uthorized M azda D ealer. T his is the quickest and best w ay to
address the issue. If y o u r concern has not b een resolved by the C U S T O M E R R ELA TIO N S,
SA LES, SERVICE, or PARTS M A N A G ER , then please contact the G E N E R A L
M A N A G ER o f the dealership o r the O W N ER .
▼ STEP 2: Call the Mazda National Customer Assistance Center #800
If for any reason you feel the need for further assistance after contacting y o u r dealership
m anagem ent, call M azda N o rth A m erican O peratio n s’ C ustom er A ssistance C enter toll-
free at:1 (800) 222-5500
In o rd er to serve y ou efficiently and effectively, please help us by providing the follow ing
inform ation:
1. Your nam e, address, and telephone num ber
2. Year and m odel o f vehicle
3. Vehicle Identification N um ber (17 digits, noted on y o u r registration or title or located on
the u pper driver’s side corner o f the dash)
4. P urchase date and current m ileage
5. Your d e a ler’s n am e and location
6. Your question (s)
If you w ould like to w rite a letter, please address it to the follow ing, Attn: C ustom er
A ssistance, w hich corresponds w ith y o u r state:
M azd a N o rth A m erican O perations
7755 Irvine C enter D rive
Irvine, CA 92618-2922
P.O. B ox 19734
Irvine, CA 92623-9734
A ll states
This way, w e can be sure to respond to you as efficiently as possible. T hat is our goal.
If you live outside the U .S.A ., please contact y o u r nearest M azda D istributor.
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Содержание MX-6
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