J94S.book Page 9 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Essential Safety Equipm ent
Seat Belt Systems
Seat Belt Precautions
Seat belts help to d ecrease the possibility o f severe injury during accidents and sudden
stops. M azda recom m ends that the driver and all passengers alw ays w ear seat belts.
A ll o f the seat belt retractors are designed to keep the lap/shoulder belts out o f the w ay
w hen n ot in use.
The driv er’s seat belt has no provisions for child-restraint system s and has only an
em ergency locking m ode. T he driver m ay w ear it com fortably, and it w ill lock during a
How ever, the front p assen g er’s seat and rear lap/shoulder belt retractors operate in two
m odes: em ergency locking m ode, and for child-restraint system s, autom atic locking m ode.
N ot W earing S ea t Belts:
N o t w earin g a sea t b elt is extrem ely dangerou s. D u rin g a collision, occu pants not
w earin g sea t belts c o u ld h it som eone o r things inside the vehicle o r even be throw n
ou t o f the vehicle. T hey c o u ld be seriou sly in ju red o r even killed. In the sam e
collision, occu pan ts w earin g seat belts w ou ld be m u ch safer. A lw ays w ea r y o u r seat
b e lt a n d m ake su re a ll occu pan ts are p ro p erly restrained.
S ea t B elt D am aged D u ring an A cciden t:
U sin g a d a m a g ed se a t b elt is dan gerou s. An ac cid en t c o u ld dam age the b elt webbing
o f the sea t belt in use. A d a m a g ed sea t belt can n ot p ro vid e adequ ate p ro tectio n in a
collision. H ave an A u th o rized M azda D ea ler in sp ect a ll sea t b elt system s in use d u rin g
an accid en t before they are u sed again.
Tw isted S ea t Belts:
T w isted sea t belts are dangerou s. In a collision, the f u ll w idth o f the b e lt is n ’t
available to a bsorb the im pact. This p u ts m ore fo rc e on the bones ben eath the belt,
w hich cou ld b rea k them o r cause oth er seriou s injury o r death. D o n ’t w ear tw isted
se a t belts.
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Содержание MX-6
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