J94S.book Page 13 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
In Case of an Em ergency
Emergency Starting
1. M ake sure the b ooster battery is 12 V
and that its negative term inal is
2. If the b ooster b attery is in another
vehicle, d o n ’t allow the vehicles to
touch. Turn o ff the engine o f the
vehicle w ith the b ooster battery and all
unnecessary electrical loads in both
3. C onnect the ju m p e r cables in the exact
sequence as in the illustration.
• C onnect one end o f a cable to the
positive term inal on the discharged
battery (1).
• A ttach the other end to the positive
term inal on the bo o ster b attery (2).
• C onnect one end o f the other cable
to the negative term inal o f the
booster battery (3).
• C onnect the other end to a solid,
stationary, exposed m etallic point
(fo r exam ple, the engine hanger)
aw ay from the discharged battery
Jumper cables
Connect cables in
numerical order
and disconnect in
reverse order.
2.0-liter engine
_| Jumper cablesl i
A \ \
Connect cables in
numerical order Booster
and disconnect in attery
reverse order.
2.5-liter engine
C on n ectin g to N egative Terminal:
C on n ectin g the en d o f the seco n d
cable to the n egative ( — ) term in a l
o f the disch a rg ed battery is
dangerou s.
A sp a rk cou ld cause the g a s a ro u n d
the battery to explode a n d injure
som eone. C on n ect th e cable to a p o in t
aw ay fr o m the battery.
C on n ectin g J u m per Cable to a
M ovin g Part:
C on n ectin g a ju m p e r cable n ear o r to
a m ovin g p a r t is dangerou s. The cable
co u ld g et cau gh t w hen the engine
starts a n d cause serious injury. N ever
con n ect a ju m p e r cable to or nea r any
p a r t th a t m oves.
4. S tart the engine o f the b ooster vehicle
and run it a few m inutes. T hen start the
engine o f the other vehicle.
5. W hen finished, carefully disconnect
the cables in the reverse order
described in Step 3.
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Содержание MX-6
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