J94S.book Page 33 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Interior Com fort
Audio System
M u ltip le in se rtio n
1. Press and hold the load button ( MAD )
fo r about 2 seconds until a beep is
2. W hen "In" is displayed, insert the CD.
3. W hen "In" is displayed again, insert
the next CD.
T he first-inserted C D w ill be played
autom atically w hen:
• N o C D is inserted w ithin 15
seconds after "In" is displayed.
• T he C D trays are full.
E je c tin g th e C D
N o rm a l e je ctio n
1. Press the C D eject button ( ± ). T he
disc num ber and "O U T" w ill be
2. P ull out the CD.
W h en the C D is ejected during play,
the next C D w ill be played
autom atically.
E je c tin g C D s fro m d e s ire d tr a y n u m b e r
1. Press and hold the CD eject button ( ± )
fo r about 2 seconds until a beep is
2. Press the channel preset button for the
desired C D num ber w ithin 5 seconds
after the beep is heard.
3. P ull out the CD.
M u ltip le e je ctio n
1. Press and hold the C D eject button
( ± ) for about 2 seconds until a b eep is
2. W ait 5 seconds o r press the C D eject
button ( ± ) again w ithin 5 seconds
after the beep is heard.
3. P ull o ut the C D , then the next CD w ill
b e ejected.
C D s w ill be ejected starting w ith the
one w ith the low est num ber.
A ll C D s in the tray w ill b e ejected
C D s can be ejected w hen the
ignition sw itch is off. Press and hold
the C D eject button ( ± ) for about 2
seconds and all C D s w ill eject.
P la y in g
Press the C D play button (CD ) to start
playing w hen a CD is in the unit.
F a s t-fo rw a rd /R e v e rs e
P ress and hold the fast-forw ard button
(►►) to advance through a track at high
P ress and hold the reverse button ( ^ ^ ) to
reverse through a track at high speed.
T ra c k s e a rc h
P ress the track up button ( ✓ S.) once to
skip forw ard to the beginning o f the next
Press the track dow n button (
once to
skip b ack to the beginning o f the current
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Содержание MX-6
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