J94S.book Page 17 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
K nowing Your M azda
Security System
Immobilizer System
The optional im m o b ilizer system allow s
the engine to start only w ith a key the
system recognizes.
If som eone attem pts to start the engine
w ith an unrecognized key, the engine w ill
not start, thereby helping to prevent the
theft o f y o u r vehicle.
C hanges or m odifications not
expressly approved by M azda could
void the u se r’s authority to operate the
equipm ent.
T his device com plies w ith part 1 5 o f
the F C C R ules and w ith R SS -210 o f
Industry C anada. O peration is subject
to the follow ing tw o conditions: (1)
T his device m ay n ot cause harm ful
interference, and (2) this device m ust
accept any in terferen ce received,
in cluding in terferen ce that m ay cause
undesired operation. (O utside
transm issions m ay m om entarily
interfere w ith the d ev ice’s operation.)
▼ Immobilizer System Warning
If the im m o b ilizer system is w orking
properly, the light w ill com e on w hen the
ign itio n sw itch is turned to the O N or
START position. T he light w ill go out
w hen confirm ation by the im m obilizer
system is com pleted.
If the light flashes rapidly, fails to com e
on, o r com es on and stays on, it indicates
a system m alfunction. If any o f these
occur, contact an A uthorized M azda
D ealer as soon as possible.
If the w arning lig h t com es on and
stays on w hen the ign itio n sw itch is
turned to the O N position, the
engine w ill not start.
Signals from a T V o r radio station,
o r from a transceiver o r a m obile
telephone, could in terfere w ith your
im m obilizer system . If you are
using the proper key and your
engine fails to start, check the
w arning light. If it is flashing,
rem ove the ign itio n key and w ait 2
seconds or m ore, then rein sert it and
try starting the engine again. If it
d o e sn ’t start after 3 or m ore tries,
contact an A uthorized M azda
If the w arning light flashes
continuously w hile y ou are driving,
d o n ’t shut o ff the engine. G o to an
A uthorized M azda D ealer and have
it checked. If you shut o ff the
engine w hile the lig h t is flashing
you w o n ’t be able to restart it.
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Содержание MX-6
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