Device description
Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
BCL 248i
CRT decoder
For decoding bar codes, the bar code readers of the BCL 200i series make available the proven CRT de-
coder with code reconstruction technology.
The proven code reconstruction technology (CRT) enables bar code readers of the BCL 200i series to read
bar codes with a small bar height, as well as bar codes with a damaged or soiled print image.
With the aid of the CRT decoder, bar codes can also be read without problem in other demanding situa-
tions, such as with a large tilt angle (azimuth angle or even angle of rotation).
Fig. 4.1:
Possible bar code orientation
With the BCL 248i, configuration is generally performed with the aid of the GSD file.
The bar code reader needs a suitable activation to start a read process as soon as an object is in the read-
ing field. This opens a time window ("reading gate") in the bar code reader for the read process during
which the bar code reader has time to detect and decode a bar code.
In the basic setting, triggering takes place through an external reading cycle signal or via PROFINET IO.
An alternative option for activation is the autoReflAct function.
Through the read operation, the bar code reader collects additional useful pieces of data for diagnostics
which can also be transmitted to the host. The quality of the read operation can be inspected using the
alignment mode which is integrated in the webConfig tool.