GM Holden Ltd, ABN 84 006 893 232 (hereinafter Holden)
Change of name, address or ownership
In the event of a Safety Recall, or for various reasons,
Holden may need to contact you as the owner of this vehicle.
If you have recently changed your address, or name, or purchased this
vehicle second-hand, please help us to help you by taking a few minutes
to fill in and mail the forms at the beginning of the Service/warranty booklet.
For information about GM Holden’s privacy policy or to update owner
details online, please visit Holden’s website at www.holden.com.au
Please refer to the inside front cover of the Service/
warranty booklet for the Vehicle Identification Certificate.
Printed in Australia
Part No. 92274448
March 2014 (MY14 CG Captiva 7. Print 2)
© 2014 GM Holden Ltd
Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited
without written approval from GM Holden Ltd,
ABN 84 006 893 232
CAPTIVA 7_IFC.indd 1
14/03/2014 10:34:25 AM