Field Setting
(14) Heating reinforced relation
< Heating reinforced relation (At start)>
Strengthening when heating starts (H/P start is given priority under the following condition).
< Heating reinforced relation (H/P mode)>
Heating capacity UP condition
Heating capacity DOWN condition
< Heating reinforced relation (Full H/R mode) >
Heating capacity UP condition
Heating capacity DOWN condition
HP<Min. (3.087MPa, HPn+0.245MPa) (• It is the batch heating strengthening set (sub-DIP SW2-2=OFF))
• Forcible H instruction of indoor fan tap [Instruction of thermostat ON/OFF (except for remote control being stopped)
to indoor unit]
(H-Instruction Releasing Condition: HP
2.744MPa or when operation mode is changed)
• When indoor fan tap, H, has continued for 5 minutes and HP
Shifts the four way valve-B to be ON (Partial
heat recovery operation mode)
• Passage of 2 minutes
• It is the batch heating strengthening set (sub-DIP SW2-2=ON) and exists The passage of the & 10 seconds.
• When four way valve B=OFF THERMO. OFF it by turning off. (When there is a heating demand from the state that the
refrigeration side THERMO. OFF. )
• Four way valve B=ON state & Max (Tset-Tr) setting
3˚C + mode: (3-48) (The air conditioning side THERMO. OFF it. Next, the
refrigeration side THERMO. OFF it. Next, the difference between the absorption temp. degree and the remote control preset
temp. is great when there is a heating demand. )
• Four way valve B=ON state & setting mode: (3-55) seconds
HP < 2. Setting mode: (3 - 47)
• When the fan-tap is not at maximum --- Increase fan tap with 1 or more (for every 5 seconds)
• When the fan-tap is at the maximum
• It is the batch heating strengthening set (sub-DIP SW2 - 2 = ON)
• Min(Tset-Tr)> 1˚C + Setting mode: (3 - 58)˚C (Factory setting: 0˚C) + Setting mode: (3 - 60)˚C (Factory setting: 1˚C)
• Max(Tset-Tr)> 1˚C + Setting mode: (3 - 59)˚C ( Factory setting: 0˚C) + Setting mode: (3 - 62)˚C (Factory setting: 5˚C)
• (Guard timer of heating capacity increasing: 5 - 30 minutes)
• Min(Tset-Tr) > 1˚C + Setting mode: (3 - 58)˚C (Factory setting: 0˚C) + Setting mode: (3 - 61)˚C (Factory setting: 4˚C)
• Max(Tset-Tr) > 1˚C + Setting mode: (3 - 59)˚C (Factory setting: 0˚C) + Setting mode: (3 - 63)˚C (Factory setting: 8˚C)
• The number of Thermo. ON
3 + Setting mode: (2-63)
• HP < 1.96MPa + Setting mode: (3 - 47) continuous 1 minute
• HP < f(Max (Tset) + 10˚C) + Setting mode: (3 - 47) continuous 3 minutes
f(Max(Tset)+10˚C): It is a value in which
pressure is converted
as for the temperature
of remote control set
tempe 10˚C.
When 2 condition is the following, capacity DOWN is done.
Capacity DOWN condition by high pressure
• HP
3.038MPa or (HP
2.94MPa Continuousness 10 minutes)
Capacity DOWN condition by suction air temperature and set temperature difference
• It is the batch heating strengthening set (sub-DIP SW2 - 2 = OFF)
• Setting mode: (2 - 61): Set = 1 & HP > 2.55MPa+ Setting mode: (3 - 47) continuous 5 minutes
• Setting mode: (2 - 61): Set = 0
• Min (Tset-Tr) < 1˚C + Setting mode: (3 - 58) ˚C (Factory setting: 0˚C)
• HP > 2.55MPa + Setting mode: (3 - 47)
• HP > f(Max(Tset) + 15˚C) + Setting mode: (3 - 47) continuous 3 minutes
• The number of Thermo. ON
2 + Setting mode :(2 - 63)
f(Max(Tset)+15˚C): It is a value in which
pressure is converted as
for the temperature of
remote control set
HP < 2.Setting mode: (3 - 47) & Ta < 25˚C)
• It is the batch heating strengthening set (sub-DIP SW2-2= ON)
• Min(Tset-Tr) > 1˚C + Setting mode: (3 - 58) ˚C (Factory setting: 0˚C)+ Setting mode: (3 - 60) ˚C (Factory setting: 1˚C)
• Max(Tset-Tr) > 1˚C + Setting mode: (3 - 59) ˚C (Factory setting: 0˚C)+ Setting mode: (3 - 62) ˚C (Factory setting: 5˚C)
• Heating guard timer continues for 5 to 30 minutes
• Min(Tset-Tr) > 1˚C + Setting mode: (3 - 58) ˚C (Factory setting: 0˚C)+ Setting mode: (3 - 61) ˚C (Factory setting: 4˚C)
• Max(Tset-Tr) > 1˚C + Setting mode: (3 - 59) ˚C (Factory setting: 0˚C)+ Setting mode: (3 - 63) ˚C (Factory setting: 8˚C)
• The number of Thermo. ON
3+ Setting mode: (2 - 63)
• HP < 1.96MPa + Setting mode: (3 - 47) continuous 1 minute
• HP < f(Max(Tset) + 10˚C) + Setting mode: (3 - 47) continuous 3 minutes