Programming manual SCU-series
HB-37500-820-10-12F-EN SCU Programming manual
Page 147 of 252
Status: 19.03.2021
The configuration of the input block has significant effects on the performance level. (cf.
Installation manual).
Inputs that are not used are always assigned to Impulse 1 (standard configuration).
Nevertheless, in the configuration report inputs that are not used, are listed with the standard
The configuration of the digital inputs is always based on the same process:
Switch type
Switch type of the component that is connected to the SCU module. The number of
corresponding input signals and the monitoring behaviour of the SCU module vary with the
In case of time-monitored switching elements, another signal change must take place at
t = 3 s after the first signal. If this does not happen, a malfunction is detected.
Signal n
Assigned number of the external signal to the digital input of the SCU module. This
selection list shows the identifiers of the input signal of the SCU module (e. g. “E1”) that
have not yet been used. The identifiers are assigned by the user. A double allocation of the
input signals is prohibited. If the resources of the SCU module are nearly exhausted, and if
the selection of the switch type required too many input signals, the selection list remains
empty. In this case, a switch type with fewer connections must be used.
Test of the cross-connection
Source of the input signal used. Two signal impulses, impulse1 and impulse2, are
available. As an alternative, the option “
” can be selected.
To grant the reliable monitoring of short-circuits and line breaks, in the SCU module,
neighbouring inputs must have different impulse numbers. Otherwise, a warning is emitted.
Start behaviour
This setting determines the behaviour behaviour of the peripheral devices during a start or
a reset of the system.
Automatic system
Due to this preset startup type, the SCU module can be booted without a user feedback.
Startup type
automatic start
Automatic start after reset of
The output of the input element
switches to “1” if the safety circuit is
closed / active according to the
definition of the switch type.
[Device Run/start-up]
[Switching function]