Programming manual SCU-series
HB-37500-820-10-12F-EN SCU Programming manual
Page 93 of 252
Status: 19.03.2021
The programme automatically creates a new connection in the terminal scheme and in the circuit
diagram. The program draws the connection by inserting additional control points (break points) on
the basis of a bisection algorithm.
The graphical representation can be adjusted and the general representation can be optimised by
moving the function blocks (if automatic arrangemetn has been deenabled). In complex diagrams,
it may occur that a connecting line crosses a function block. This has no effects on the internal
function of the connection.
Not in all diagrams and charts the connection is created automatically,.
The drawing of user-defined connecting lines is also supperted. User-defined connecting lines
remain unchanged until the shifting of a connected function block forces the recalculation oft he
control points (cf. the but
ton “
” )
Add segment
To add a segment to the connecting line press the right mouse button ánd select
“Add segment“.
Figure 74 Add segment
To add a node, double click on the connecting lie, or press the right mous button and select
By selecting the conection the user can define the connection and change every segment.
If the segments of a connection are adjusted, they are automatically unified.
Control points can only be entered with rectangular connecting lines, i. e., the connecting lines
always run horizontally and vertically. The program connects the entered points until the drawing
command is completed.
Visual corrections of the logic diagram should be carried out shortly before the blocking of the
logic plan. Then, the layout is complete, and the blocks no longer need tob e moved.