Programming manual SCU-series
HB-37500-820-10-12F-EN SCU Programming manual
Page 79 of 252
Status: 19.03.2021
Afterwards, in the library window “
Local network
the symbol “
Feldbus EtherCAT
can be
clicked on to change the settings in the „
“ window.
In the “
” window, the additional “
Network Type
“ can be selected.
Figure 56: EtherCAT Network
3. In case of inserted Slaves, the FSoE properties must/can be set in the FSoE section in the
window “
.For this purpose, the respective Slave unit must be selected /clicked on
again with the mouse.
The following data can be set:
Slave address (number)
To determine the Slave ranking in the FSoE network.
Watchdog time (im ms)
To determine the max. permissible delay per unit.
Connection ID (ID)
To determine the communication assignment (protocol).
RT-Ethernet-bus (bus line)
To determine the network type
“ECAT“ f
or EtherCAT.
Figure 57: FSoE-Optionen für Slaves