L3 Tan(phi)
L3 Bias current
Pha.Curr.I”L1 TRMS
L3 Cos(phi)
L3 Diff current
Pha.Curr.I”L2 TRMS
3PH Apparent Power (S)
L3 Char current
Pha.Curr.I”L3 TRMS
3PH Active Power (P)
HV I0d> Bias current
I” Pos.Seq.Curr.
3PH Reactive Power (Q)
HV I0d> Diff current
I” Neg.Seq.Curr.
3PH Tan(phi)
HV I0d> Char current
I” Zero.Seq.Curr.
3PH Cos(phi)
LV I0d> Bias current
Res.Curr.I”01 TRMS
nerggy mea
y measur
LV I0d> Diff current
Res.Curr.I”02 TRMS
L1 Exp.Active Energy MWh
LV I0d> Char current
Pha.IL”1 ampl. THD
L1 Exp.Active Energy kWh
Curve1 Input
Pha.IL”2 ampl. THD
L1 Imp.Active Energy MWh
Curve1 Output
Pha.IL”3 ampl. THD
L1 Imp.Active Energy kWh
Curve2 Input
Pha.IL”1 pow. THD
L1 Exp/Imp Act. E balance MWh
Curve2 Output
Pha.IL”2 pow. THD
L1 Exp/Imp Act. E balance kWh
Curve3 Input
Pha.IL”3 pow. THD
L1 Exp.React.Cap.E.Mvarh
Curve3 Output
Res.I”01 ampl. THD
L1 Exp.React.Cap.E.kvarh
Curve4 Input
Res.I”01 pow. THD
L1 Imp.React.Cap.E.Mvarh
Curve4 Output
Res.I”02 ampl. THD
L1 Imp.React.Cap.E.kvarh
Control mode
Res.I”02 pow. THD
L1 Exp/Imp React.Cap.E.bal.Mvarh
Motor status
P-P Curr.I”L1
L1 Exp/Imp React.Cap.E.bal.kvarh
Active setting group
P-P Curr.I”L2
L1 Exp.React.Ind.E.Mvarh
L1 Exp.React.Ind.E.kvarh
5.5.6 Measurement value recorder
The measurement value recorder function records the value of the selected magnitudes at the time of a
pre-defined trigger signal. An typical application is the recording of fault currents or voltages at the time
of the breaker trips; it can also be used to record the values from any trigger signal set by the user. The
user can select whether the function records per-unit values or primary values. Additionally, the user
can set the function to record overcurrent fault types or voltage fault types. The function operates
instantly from the trigger signal.
The measurement value recorder function has an integrated fault display which shows the current fault
values when the tripped by one of the following functions: I> (non-directional overcurrent), Idir>
(directional overcurrent), I0> (non-directional earth fault), I0dir> (directional earth fault), f<
(underfrequency), f> (overfrequency), U< (undervoltage), U> (overvoltage), U1/U2 >/< (sequence
voltage) or U0> (residual voltage). When any of these functions trip, the fault values and the fault type
are displayed in the Mimic view. The view can be enabled by activating the "VREC Trigger
on"setting (
Events and logs
Set alarm events). The resetting of the fault values is done by
the input selected in the
General menu.
Measured input
The function block uses analog current and voltage measurement values. Based on these values, the
relay calculates the primary and secondary values of currents, voltages, powers, and impedances as
well as other values.
Instruction manual
Version: 2.04
Содержание AQ-C213
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