13 Measuring
2. Connect the adapter Luer cone with the sample container using a silicone
hose (3 x 5 mm).
3. Mount an adapter Luer cone to the sample outlet adapter.
4. Connect a silicone hose (3 x 5 mm) to the adapter Luer cone and lead the
silicone hose via the peristaltic pump to a waste vessel.
5. Set the flow rate to 10 to 25 mL per minute.
6. Start the pump.
7. Turn off the pump after filling a sufficient amount of sample.
To fill automatically with an Xsample
For details, see the respective Xsample instruction manual.
Related topics
Safety instructions: Chapter 2
Special filling techniques: Appendix B.2
13.5 Performing Measurements
To speed up measurements
Automatic sample naming: See Chapter 10.3.
Prethermostatting: Prethermostat your samples to the measuring
temperature before injection to reduce the time necessary for the
temperature equilibration.
Predetermination option: Using this option reduces the measuring time
substantially (see Chapter 12.2.1).
To perform a measurement
1. Before starting a measurement, check if:
the hoses are connected correctly
the hose connections are tight
the waste hose leads into the waste container
the waste container’s volume is large enough for the number of samples
the correct sample names are entered
the method settings are set correctly
suitable cleaning liquids are available.
2. Fill the measuring cell with sample.
3. Enter a sample name if required.
4. Tap <Start> and wait until the measurement is finished.