8 Operating the Instrument
2. Enter characters/numbers/special characters by tapping the buttons on the
screen and then tap <OK>.
Fig. 8 - 5
On-screen keyboard
The functions of the special buttons are:
To exit dialog windows with/without saving
When a measurement is currently in progress, you cannot save any changes to
instrument settings. The <OK> button is deactivated and tapping <Main Screen>
quits the dialog without saving the changes.
You have three options to exit a dialog window:
To get directly to the main screen, tap <Main Screen> and decide whether
you want to save or discard changes in the following pop-up window.
To get one menu level higher and save changes tap <OK>.
To get one menu level higher without saving changes tap <Cancel>.
Deletes the character on the left side of the cursor position.
Moves the cursor position to the left/to the right.
Changes to upper case in alphabetic character mode and to special
characters in number mode.
Changes to the number mode.
Changes to alphabetic character mode.
Changes to further special characters.
For notation of exponential numbers, e.g. to enter 0.025 as 2.5 ^-2
(only number mode).