Appendix F: List of Output Quantities
Appendix F: List of Output Quantities
The following quantities can be selected as output for the output fields.
Group: Temperature
Number of digits displayed with temperature values:
DMA 5000 M: 3
DMA 4500 M: 2
DMA 4100 M: 2
DataField 1
Name of the user-defined data field
(optional sample ID).
DataField 2
Name of the user-defined data field
(optional sample ID).
DataField 3
Name of the user-defined data field
(optional sample ID).
Current date.
Last Check Date
Date of the latest check.
Last Check Name
Name of the last check.
Last Check Result
Result of the latest check.
Last Check User
Name of the user who performed the
latest check.
Master Condition
Sum of all available conditions from
measuring modules within the system.
Measurement Type
Type of measurement defined in the
sample list:
S (Standard)
C (Check)
TS (Temperature scan)
MM (Multiple measurement)
Name of the selected or used method.
Sample Error State
Error messages concerning the sample:
"No error", "Was canceled", etc.
Sample List Number
Number of the current sample list entry.
Sample Name
Name of the current sample.
Serial Number
Serial number of the instrument.
Sub Measurement Number
Measurement numbers within one single
temperature scan performing several
measurements at different temperatures
Current time.
Unique Sample ID
Internal unique sample ID that cannot be
Name of the user in a certain context.