11 Checking, Adjusting and Calibrating the Instrument
Performing a High Density/High Viscosity Adjustment
(DMA 5000 M only)
With a DMA 5000 M, you can perform an adjustment at high density and/or at high
viscosity to reach an exceptionally high accuracy for the measurement of high
density values and/or samples with a high viscosity.
For the high density adjustment you need a standard that has a high density
(higher than 1.40000 g/cm
), but low viscosity (similar to water).
For the high viscosity adjustment, you need two standards:
One standard with a viscosity of approx. 100 mPa
s (±5 mPa
s) and with
exactly known density (±0.00002 g/cm
One standard with a viscosity of approx. 200 mPa
s (±5 mPa
s) and with
exactly known density (±0.00002 g/cm
The adjustment procedure can be aborted by tapping <Cancel>.
1. Tap <Menu> and select
"Checks/Adjustments > Other Adjustments >
Density Module > High Density/Viscosity Adjustment"
2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
First an air and water adjustment is performed.
When the adjustment is finished, the following information is displayed:
Old Value: Calculated density of water of the previous adjustment.
New Value: Calculated density of water with the new adjustment constants.
Deviation: Relative and absolute deviation between new and old value.
3. Check the recommendation on the screen and select <Special> if "Apply" is
4. For filling the high-density standard and the two viscosity standards, follow
the instructions on the screen.
After the adjustment with the high-density standard, select <Visc.
Standard 1> and after the adjustment with the first viscosity standard select
<Visc. Standard 2>.
Check that the standards are filled without air bubbles.
If the standard was filled without air bubbles, you can ignore a possible error
message "Density Condition: filling warning" during the adjustment routine. The
coefficients for the FillingCheck
function are also adjusted during the
adjustment procedure.
Performing an Atmospheric Pressure Adjustment
You can adjust the built-in atmospheric pressure sensor.
1. Tap <Menu> and select
"Checks/Adjustments > Other Adjustments >
Density Module > Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Adjustment"