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Site IP Pings & Trace-route
Network Video Channel Change ZAP Time Test
Network Video Quality MDI Test; Media Loss Rate & Delay Factor
IPMax Facility Broadband & Narrowband Tests:
Emulates DSLAM Port and supports ADSL, ADSL2+, and VDSL2
Modem Synchronization, Train-up, Rate Adaption and Tone Detection
CPE Vendor Information
Customer’s CPE Modem Sync (Using the Customer’s Profile obtained in DSLAM Port Sync Test; Cap
Rate, INP & Delay)
OAM Test Cells To Customer’s CPE Modem
DC Loop Current Measurement for ROH Detection
AC/DC Voltage R/T, T/G, R/G
Resistance R/T, T/G, R/G
Capacitance, Loop Length, Balance R/T, T/G, R/G
Load Coil Detection
3.7 Technician Responsibilities
Basic Phase (before reaching premise)
If existing customer, run InSight(Telus Metaframe application) and check Last mile and customer
Make any modifications to the line to maximize the xDSL signal.
Activate the TTV Port in FITS
Figure 100: FITS Screen (Telus Metaframe)
Phase 1
Clear Cap the pair
Replace older, non-twisted drop
Replace the Protector with the latest standard (TII)
ALWAYS install a VDSL pots splitter
If necessary, install new Cat 5 wire from the protector to the router location.
Perform a Blast test on your circuit and log it as complete.