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Figure 136: Line Equipment Information
Cable Change
Cable Changes can be done in FITS or e.Fulfillment
It will depend on why you are changing the cable as to what tool you choose
Trouble Cuts – start with FITS
If you know the pair you want to cut to use e.Fulfillment
In Fits
To do a trouble cut start with FITS
Click on Get Spares in FITS
Fill in Province, COID, Cable, Pair and select a Defective Code
FITS will return up to 3 spares if they are available
Figure 137 : Finding Spares
Cable Change in FITS
Click on Cut/Release Spares
Select a pair you want to cut to
Select a disposition code
For the pair you are cutting to &
For all pairs that need to be returned select release
If FITS does not return any spares you can try e.Fulfillment
In e.Fulfillment
If FITS does not return any spares and to want to look further or get a specific pair go into
e.Fulfillment – Cable Capacity Tab
After you have figured out what cable are going to cut to
Scroll to the bottom of the Cable Capacity Tab to update Cable Pairs.