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A pinned status indicates a job is locked to your board and cannot be moved by the system. In some cases,
jobs must be pinned because of glitches in Click, but might still be moved by a dispatcher.
WIPs are pinned to your day and will not be moved. Never work on a tentative job, even if it is pinned, unless
you are asked to do so by a dispatcher.
Figure 121: Pinned Designation
En Route and On Site
‘En Route’ and ‘On Site’ are job statuses that help the Click system determine where you are in your day. The
colors in the figure are the colors that jobs will display to indicate their status.
Figure 122: Status Color code
Dispatchers monitor these statuses to track workload and day progression. You are required to update your
status whenever possible. When writing work off, ‘En Route’ and ‘On Site’ times will display as:
• En Route = Job Started
• On Site = On Site