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2.7.2 Premise Equipment
A VDSL2 POTS splitter and an Actiontec V2000H gateway will need to be installed.
Install the Actiontec V2000H Gateway and follow this order: VDSL Master Phone Jack #1 / Dry VDSL
Phone Jack #2.
During the customer installation, a secondary Comtest POTS splitter is required as a best practice.
Correctly label both telephone numbers at the POTS splitter.
The Actiontec V1000H is not compatible with bonded lines as it does not have the input for a second
phone line.
Installation Diagram
Figure 85: Architecture for POTS, ADSL and IPTV
Connect the V2000H Gateway’s power supply and wait for both VDSL2 connections to sync.
Once the sync has completed, the modem will restart.
When both VDSL lights have synched and stabilized, connect customer peripheral equipment
(computer, STB) to the LAN.