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Error Packets
FEC – Forward Error Correction allows the receiver to detect and correct errors without asking for
more data
FEC < 500 (after 2 minutes) = OK
CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check detects accidental changes to raw data
CRC < 10 (after 2 minutes) = OK
HEC – Header Error Control is a bit error detection and correction
HEC < 10 (after 2 minutes) = OK
FEC’S < 500 Forward Error Correction
HEC’S < 10 Header Error Correction
CRC’S < 10 Critical Error Correction
ADSL < 50
TTV < 32
HD < 24
ADSL > 6 Db
TTV > 9 Db
Copper Loop Characteristics
The composition of copper loops may include various elements such as bridge taps (shown below),
gauge of the loop, & gauge changes. Each can have an effect on the ADSL signal.
Bridge Taps and gauge changes may attenuate and/or reflect ADSL signals, and can reduce the rates
of the DSL line.
Figure 82: Bridge Tap
2.7 Installation
All drop cable running from RA/SLIC/QTD terminals must be twisted pair.
Liqourice cable and Green/Red/Black/Yellow drop MUST be replaced.
ALL ADSL installs/repairs has to be Clear Cap.
Pots splitter must be installed for ADSL jobs.
Bonding and grounding requirements to NIB and underground TM.
Any customer with an Individual Line account, Residence or Business, new or existing can qualify
(some restrictions apply) for the service. When all the qualifying conditions have been met, an
installer will be dispatched to the subscribers’ premises on an agreed date.
One modem will be placed inside the customer premise, the other is placed in the Central Office
(Rack Mounted).