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• Route to AWAS - Reroute
• Customer Work in Progress - WIP
• TELUS World in Progress - WIP
Note: You can seem more examples in the drop-down menu after selecting ‘Incomplete’ on any
active job.
Signing off a WIP
The following example will walk you through signing off a WIP. A WIP contains the most complicated steps
for writing off any work. By showing you this example you sill be able to apply the steps to most other
Note: TELUS WIP is used the most. It allows the most flexibility for rebooking and allows you to FORCE
appointments even for your days off or if you already have a full day of work.
CUSTOMER WIP will not allow you to force an appointment and is used mainly for rebooking an order for the
customer when no work has been performed.
1. Select ‘TELUS Work in Progess’ in the drop-down menu and the WIP options will populate.
2. Select ‘Myself’ which will look for appointments in your day, ‘Someone else’ which will search all other
deployed technicians in the area, or ‘None’.
Note: The ‘Continue’ will only appear if you select a drop-down reason that warrants completing with
continuation, so you wouldn’t see it if you selected ‘No Access’.
3. Choose the accurate time to complete the job so the system is looking for the right amount of time in your
day. When you complete the WIP, the job will re-size itself to the time picked.
4. After filling out all the previous options, select ‘Get Appointments’. The system will search the next two
weeks and show you all possible appointments where the duration you selected is available. If you did not
select ‘Myself’, these are other technicians’ appointments.
5. Use the ‘Customer Request’ field to force an appointment to a day off. If you do not see appointments for
days, it means you are either scheduled off or the amount of time you are seeking is not available.
6. Once you select ‘Customer Request’, you will be presented with a ‘Calendar’ to select the day you will
return to the job. Select the closest standard appointment time to when you plan to return to the job.
7. Enter the X-ID, date, time, and description of the WIP in case it does not appear on your board.
Note: Forced WIPS are expected to be performed before or after a day’s work. New jobs always take
Job Details
Job Identification:
Lists the circuit number, job type, and job location.
Job Milestones:
Lists the created date, appointment, due date, scheduled time, and current status.
Customer Details:
Lists the customer’s name, address (which hyperlinks to Google Maps), the site contact
name and contact number.
General Remarks:
Displays the general comments and information contained in each job.
Dispatcher Remarks:
Displays any specific remarks left on a job left by LTS Dispatch
Displays the circuit number, priority, trouble ticket type and issue
Displays a summary of the line test results.
Displays the activity of the job while in FieldLink and shows timestamps and comments.
Displays a Trouble Tickets history in greater detail and displays previous customer experiences.
5.2 Fits and E.Fulfillment
The goal is to reduce calls into Assignment that can be done via self serve tools – FITS &
By reducing calls that can be done via the self serve tools Assignment will be able to improve
answer times for CSD for calls where an Assignor is the only method of resolution.