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Figure123: Enroute and onsite display
How to use En Route and On Site?
If you use the ‘En Route’ or ‘On Site’ buttons, you will NOT be able to adjust ‘Job Started’ and ‘On Site’ times
when you write off the ticket. When you select ‘On Site’, the scheduled time changes to the current time.
This could open up more space for work in your day. For example, if you go ‘On Site’ at 10:00 am for a job
that is 1.25 SWT and scheduled for a 2:00 pm start time, that job will move and open up 1.25 hours in your
day starting at 2:00 pm. This can overbook you as shown in the figure.
Figure 124: Double Plays
Technicians working in BULK Dispatch (rural) areas must be careful when going ‘On Site’ to a job. In the figure
below, the technician has accepted all work. If he/she was to go on site for the last job in the day, it would
move to where the time bar currently is (current time). This would open up 2:15 pm to 4:00 pm for a new job
to fall in.
Figure 125: Bulk Dispatch Warning
As a general rule, if the job is scheduled in the future, regardless of appointment time, do NOT go on site until
the scheduled time for the job arrives. If you must, leave the job as ‘Accepted’ and write it off later. Only go
‘On Site’ if you want to open up your day for more work. All technicians are asked to use ‘En Route’ and ‘On
Site’ as accurately as possible. Any time you have multiple jobs dispatched, you must decide how to handle
them. Triple plays are lined up consecutively so the SWT time for all pieces added is blocked out of your day.
If you go ‘On Site’ to all three pieces, the jobs all stack, which means that only the longest SWT time is now