W90P710 Programming Guide
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from Winbond.
Table No.: 2005-W90P710-11-A
9.2 Initialization
Initialize the whole system environment and setup the interrupt service routine, and then
initialize the LCD Controller.
The programming procedure is as follows:
1) Configure global setting needed by LCDC, like as AIC, timer, and etc.
2) Setup LCD Controller and other needed interrupt service routine, and install to AIC interrupt
vector table.
3) Disable FIFO1 and FIFO2.
(FIFOCON [1:0] = 00b)
4) Disable LCD Controller.
(LCDCON [16] = 0)
5) Reset LCD Controller.
(LCDCON [16] = 1)
9.3 Configure LCD Controller
The user can configure the common settings of this controller by programming register
. Function of each field is explained as Table 9-2.
Table 9-2 Register LCDCON Bit Map
Register LCDCON
LCD Pre-Processor Reset
0 = Disable, normal operation
1 = Only reset the LCD Pre-Processor, clear FIFO, AHB
protocol re-start.
LCD Controller Reset(except
Control Registers)
0 = Disable, normal operation
1 = Reset the whole LCD Controller include LCD Timing
Image stored in memory
device is YUV format or RGB
0 = RGB format
1 = YUV format
If this bit is set to 1, LCDBPP must be set to 101 ( 16bpp )
OSD Data Fetch Control
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Look Up Table SRAM
Read/Write Enable
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Look Up Table Enable
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
LCD Controller Enable
0 = Disable VSYNC, HSYNC, VCLK, VD, and VDEN
1 = Enable VSYNC, HSYNC, VCLK, VD, and VDEN
YUV output sequence( only
00 = UYVY