® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
Static Pressure Setting Menu
Using an optional static pressure sensor, the controller monitors the difference in air pressure between air outside
the building and inside the building. Static pressure can be used to control inlet devices. As more fans turn on or
off, the controller adjusts the inlet size to compensate for changes in static pressure. There is two different Static
Setpoints, Natural ventilation mode and Tunnel mode.
Input the target static pressure while the controller is in Natural Ventilation mode, then, input the pressure at which
static-pressure-controlled inlets should close to increase the static pressure. The Close static pressure must be lower
than the Setpoint static pressure. Finally, input the pressure at which inlets should open more. Open static pressure
must be higher than the Setpoint static pressure.
Setpoint: 0.040 Close 0.030 Open 0.050
The static pressure sensor delivers a maximum reading of 0.250.
You can create a static pressure ramp table to automatically change the Natural static pressure settings (setpoint,
close and open) based on outside temperatures.
An outside air sensor must be installed to use ramping.
Ramp #1 Temp: 30.0 Static Press: 0.070
Input up to five ramp points by using the PLUS or MINUS keys to change the ramp point number. After the ramp
point number is displayed, press ENTER to move the cursor to the Temp field. Change the temperature to the desired
setting using the PLUS or MINUS keys. Press ENTER again to move the cursor to the Static Pressure field. Change the
static pressure to the desired setting using the PLUS or MINUS keys.
Consult your county extension agent or other specialist for the best use of static
pressure control in your region.
Input the target static pressure while the controller is in Tunnel mode. The Tunnel Close and Open settings are
calculated based on the offsets of the Natural Setpoint’s Close and Open settings and cannot be changed.
Setpoint: 0.030 Close 0.020 Open 0.040
Natural Setpoint, Open and Close
Tunnel Setpoint
Static Pressure Ramping