® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
Memory Card Location
SD Card & Socket - Inside Cover
The SD card stores the controller software, alarm detail and recorded history, as well as the operating parameters
the user inputs for the controller. The SD card is located in a socket on the upper right corner of the inside cover.
Your controller is shipped with the SD card
You should NOT remove the SD card unless you are updating
the controller with a different version of software, such as a customer specific pre-loaded set of parameters which
may not have come installed on your new control.
The information on updating your control software can be found
beginning on page 151.
Always touch a ground before you touch the
circuit boards. Never install or remove SD cards
without turning off the power to the controller.
To install the SD card, match the key in the card base to the
slot in the socket on the control board,
as shown to the right.
Gently push the SD card into the slot until it snaps into place.
If you ever need to remove the SD card, push down gently, it
will snap up and then you can remove it from the socket.
Handling the SD Card
Prepare Enclosure for Wiring
1. Determine and mark the location for each hole,
(the number and size of hole/holes needed will be
determined by the number of devices and inputs
to install)
. It is recommended that you place the
hole/holes to the bottom side of the enclosure,
as pictured to the right. It is also recommended
that the hole used for the power supply be
located in line with the power supply relay,
located to the right corner of the enclosure,
(circled in picture to right)
2. Use a hole saw to drill hole/holes at the bottom
of the enclosure for conduit or strain reliefs,
taking care that you do not drill into any of the
control’s components.
3. Insert the conduit or strain reliefs from the
outside bottom of the enclosure (through the
hole/holes) and be sure to use glue/caulking
to seal against moisture or debris. Sealing the
wiring is critical to protect against the harsh
corrosive environment.
Drill hole for Power Supply Here
Drill holes for Sensor & Device Wires Here
power relay
The holes for wiring are NOT pre-drilled.