® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
Updating the Controller in Process - Display Screen Views
Updating of the controller when the versions don’t match:
Ventra HMI Bootloader v1.00.003
Revisions are not identical
Ventra HMI Bootloader v1.00.003
Validating update file (command 1298)
Ventra HMI Bootloader v1.00.003
Processing update (987 of 1307) These numbers are examples
Ventra HMI Bootloader v1.00.003
Update competed successfully
The display screen for non-matching versions will display for as long as the controller is processing
the information.
When the controller powers up with an update SD card installed, it will compare the version number of the update to
the version currently installed. The Update process only takes place if these versions are different. If the versions do
not match, the following screens will be displayed:
If the software versions match, the following screen will display only briefly:
Ventra HMI Bootloader v1.00.003
Revisions are identical
Since the versions are identical, no update takes place so the controller resumes normal operation. See page 47
for further details of Power Up Sequence.
Updating of the controller when the versions