F3200/NDU AS4428.1 Installation Manual
Document No: LT0255
System Description
Page 2-4
5 July 2016
Issue 1.22
The F3200 MAF/PSU Module provides 7 relays as standard. These are used for signalling
to the Brigade (Monitoring Service) and for switching the External Bell, Warning System and
ancillary equipment such as door holders, air-conditioning shutdown, etc.
When more than 7 relays are required, additional sets of 8 can be added by fitting 8 Relay
All outputs, including the open collectors on the 8 Zone Modules, are individually
programmable by a logic equation of zone and FIP status. The default configuration (link
setting and programming) dedicates 4 of the 7 relays (Alarm, Isolated, Fault and Standby,
commonly called the MAF relays) to interface to the ASE (Alarm Signalling Equipment), 1
(labelled Anc2) to drive the External Bell (EB), and 1 (labelled Anc3/Bells) to drive the
Warning System (WS). The MAF Standby relay has electronics which forces it to de-
energise at the Battery Very Low voltage, and this must be considered if using if for any
function other than its default one.
The F3200 has a 3 Amp battery charger/power supply as standard. There is adequate room
for large batteries. Versions are available that have a 6 Amp PSU.
A serial port (RZDU protocol) is included in the F3200 and NDU that provides a 3 or 4 wire
link to up to 8 Remote Display Units (RDU). Several versions of RDU are available.
The most commonly used versions have small, slimline cabinets (flush and surface
mounting) not much larger than the F3200 display-keyboard which is fitted on them. They
receive power from the F3200 FIP or NDU. Other versions look like an F3200 FIP, have
their own power supply, and may have LED Display Boards fitted to them.
Additional mimic-only devices can be connected to the RDU output to monitor the F3200
zone status. For example, IO-NET can be used to provide floor mimic panels, AS1668
interfaces or remote outputs for evacuation panels.
For a networked system, an RDU can display (and control) only the zones and relays of the
FIP to which the RDU is connected. With appropriate programming, such an RDU could be
used to isolate the Warning System of that FIP, and hence isolate the Warning System
across the entire network.
A serial printer may be connected to the F3200 or NDU to provide a log of events and
operator actions, and also to print the programmed database.
Events which are printed include:
Zone Events, e.g. Alarm, Fault;
Zone Commands, e.g. Reset, Isolate;
System events, e.g. communication failures, battery faults, etc.
The printout includes the time and date, the cause of the event (e.g. Zone, Relay, RDU or
FIP), and the event type. Events and commands for zones and relays that have a text name
programmed also have the name printed. F3200 is able to store at least 100 events for
printing, being the first 100 events to occur.
As events are printed, more events are able to be put into the list. If events cannot be put
into the list because it is full, the FIP keeps a count of those events it has had to discard.