F3200/NDU AS4428.1 Installation Manual
Document No: LT0255
Page 1-2
5 July 2016
Issue 1.22
This manual provides information for the personnel responsible for planning, ordering,
installing and configuring a VIGILANT F3200 Fire Alarm System or an NDU. It is assumed
that such staff have been trained to plan/install fire alarm equipment and are familiar with the
relevant standards.
The manual is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 1
Introduction: Information on this and other manuals.
Chapter 2
System Description: A description of the structure of the F3200 FIP.
Chapter 3
Specifications: A detailed specification and list of part numbers for the F3200.
Chapter 4
Configuring a FIP: Information on configuring a system, in particular battery
and charger calculations.
Chapter 5
Installation & Wiring: Detail of installation and field wiring.
Chapter 6
Applications: Detail of configuration and wiring for specific applications.
Chapter 7
Alignment, Adjustment & Placing Into Operation: Detail on how to adjust an
F3200 in the field and place it into operation.
Appendix A
Compatible Detectors: A list of detectors which are approved for use
with F3200.
Detector Configuration: Detail on AZC and zone configuration for
specific detector types.