Document No: LT0255
F3200/NDU AS4428.1 Installation Manual
Installation & Wiring
Issue 1.22
5 July 2016
Page 5-35
An NDU is not normally used as a brigade connection point. If an NDU is used as a brigade
connection point then, in general, a separate display panel must be provided if there needs
to be zone alarm indication to the attending Fire Brigade staff. The recommended way to
provide this is to use an LCD-RZDU (PA1048)
– refer LT0460, connected to the RZDU
output of a panel or the NDU itself.
The following sections describe some suggestions on how to arrange LED displays and
mimic outputs off the NDU itself. The common MAF status display is provided by mounting
an NZ Display Extender Board (PA0499) in the NDU cabinet and wiring to a display in a
separate cabinet in one of the ways shown in Fig 5.12.1 and 5.12.2.
Sixteen-zone display boards are not normally connected to an NDU, but the two diagrams
show how they can be connected if necessary. An NDU allows a maximum of thirty three
16-zone display boards and each individual LED (48 LEDs per board) must be controlled
using output logic or network zone to LED mapping.
The second cabinet is necessary because the LEDs mounted inside the NDU cabinet do not
meet the requirements of NZ4512 with regard to visibility and viewing access. An NLDU
(Network LED Display Unit) could also be used to drive 16-zone display boards and show
individual zone information as part of the brigade mimic display.
Any Ancillary Control Zone indicators on this external display must be coloured differently or
be segregated from the zone alarm and common indicators, and be clearly labelled.
There are several methods for providing a separate display panel. Two approaches are
detailed below.
The information provided here is very similar to the information in the RDU
installation manual LT0449 which may be useful to refer to.
If an NLDU is used to drive 16 zone display boards, then the NLDU user
manual LT0188 must also be referred to.
A mimic display uses the mimic outputs from
the NDU’s internal 16 Zone LED Indicator
Boards to drive alarm LEDs in an external display. Each group of 16 zone alarms and the
common indicators are extended in a separate 26 way FRC to the external display.
The number of FRCs between the NDU and the external display limit the practical separation
distance. Since the cabling is not supervised in any way, the Fire Service or approving
authority may place restrictions on this distance. The cable must be well protected
mechanically by conduit, trunking or equivalent.