Document No: LT0255
F3200/NDU AS4428.1 Installation Manual
Installation & Wiring
Issue 1.22
5 July 2016
Page 5-17
T-GEN 50
The T-GEN 50 is permanently powered, requiring a supervised Alarm- signal from the FIP
rather than switched power. The BELLS- terminal can be used for this, refer Figure 5.5.6.
Alternatively, an Ancil relay on the MAF, or an 8RM relay can be used as per Sections 3.4
and 3.5 of the T-GEN 50 Installation Instructions, LT0186. The +VBF2 is recommended for
pro24V to the T-GEN 50 as it is fused at 6A.
Note that a 2k5 ELD (3k3 and 10k 1% in parallel) must be used for the BELLS relay, when
connecting to the ALM- input on T-GEN 50. Configure the T-GEN 50 to NOT supervise its
ALM- input (SW4 off).
Alternatively, an open collector output could be used, but the T-GEN 50 will need to
supervise its ALM input and be fault supervised via an unused F3200 circuit input.
The Auto/Isolate/Evacuate switch provided with the T-GEN 50 (but not fitted), should not be
used as the F3200 already has an isolate facility using the Warning System Isolate.
The Anc 3/Bells output can be used to activate a Microvac/QE90 and to supervise the link
for a fault condition. A 24V relay (e.g. PA0730 General Purpose Relay Bd) is required to be
mounted within the Microvac/QE90, and the wiring as shown in Fig 5.5.3.
Alternatively the Anc 3/Bells output can be made voltage-free (remove Links 2, 3, 4 on the
MAF) and a spare 8 Zone Input can be used to supervise the Microvac/QE90. This
arrangement, shown in Fig 5.5.4, does away with the relay, but requires a 4-wire connection
and one spare input. The input should be programmed as a status-only zone and the fault
state included in the logic equation to generate a Warning System fault. E.g. for zone 16
WSF = Z16F.
A high level link can be achieved between the F3200 and QE90 using the RZDU
communications output. This is only suitable for when the F3200 and QE90 are co-located,
as there is no duplication of the cable. Details for this wiring are contained in the QE90
Installation and Commissioning Manual LT0088. In addition, the QE90 needs to be
supervised for a fault condition. This can be done as shown in Fig 5.5.4 using a spare zone
input or as in 5.5.3 using the Ancil 3/Bells output supervision.
The ISO 8201 Strobe Driver Module can be controlled by the F3200 Bells/Anc 3 relay output
as the Mini-Gen is done in Figure 5.5.2. In fact both a Mini-Gen and a Strobe Driver could
be controlled at the same time using the relay output as long as the total load current is
within allowed limits.
Note the 10k EOL is used on the strobe circuit, but it does not need to be a 2W resistor.
It can also be controlled by using an 8 RM relay output as per Section 5.6.2. Further details
are contained in the Strobe Driver Installation Instructions.