-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 35 -
3.11 Return to Starting Point (G26,G261~G264)
These instructions are used for return back to the starting point of the program.Starting point is
coordinate position of N0000 block. The returning speed is same to G00 speed.
; All Feeding axes return to starting point.
G261 ; X-axis return to starting point
G262 ; Y(C)-axis return to starting point
G263 ; Z-axis return to starting point
G264 ; A-axis return to starting point
G265 ; B-axis return to starting point
3.12 Save Current Position (G25)
G25 is used for memory current coordinate position of all axes(XZYA), save current position
as specified point.
Format: G25
; Save current coordinate
3.13 Return to Specified Position (G61,G611~G614)
These instructions are used for return to point specified by G25.
; all axes return to specified point ;
G611 ; X-axis returns to specified point ;
G612 ; Y(C)-axis returns to specified point ;
G613 ; Z-axis returns to specified point ;
G614 ; A-axis returns to specified point ;
G615 ; B-axis returns to specified point ;
Note: If user don’t use G25 to save current position, these instructions will return to starting point as G26.
N0000 G0 X20 Z80
N0001 G01 U5 W
16 F200
N0002 W
N0003 G00 U10
N0004 Z80
N0005 G25
; save current position (X35,Z80)
N0006 G01 U10 W-30 ;
N0007 G0 X100 Z200 ;
N0008 G61
; return to (X35,Z80)
N0009 M2
; End of program