-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 187 -
7.8.3 Tool Sets List
Press “F6” to enter posit tool interface in redeem. The parameter is used to set type of tool
sets when adopting radius compensation of tool.
Fig7.8.3 Tool Posit Interface
Step of setting: Press “↑ ↓” to move cursor to corresponding tool number and press “Enter” to
popup a dialog box, input the code of corresponding tool’s types and press “Enter” to confirm.
Press “F1” key to initialize all the kinds of tool point to 0.
7.8.4 Set quantity
Press “F7” key to popup a dialog box On Redeem interface to set total tools.
Including sum tools of electrical tools , linear tools and toolpost.
The CNC system supports 99 pieces of tools at max.