-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
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26,Type of Emergency Stop1(0:NO type, 1:NC type)
It set thee type of switch for 1st Emergency Stop, which is at panel. 0: NO type switch; 1:NC
type switch for 1st emergency stop.
27,Type of Emergency Stop2(0:NO type, 1:NC type)
It set thee type of switch for 2nd Emergency Stop, which is at panel. 0: NO type switch; 1:NC
type switch for 2nd emergency stop.Input is PIN5_CN11 Plug.
28,Run/Pause Output(0:No, 1:Yes)
It sets if output the condition of Running/Pause. 0:No, don’t output condition of Run/Pause;
1:Yes, output the condition of Run/Pause. And M69, PIN21_CN10 plug , output Running
condition; M65,PIN20_CN10 plug, output Pause condition.
Note:These signals can be used to indicator for show condition of machine.
29,Alarm Output(0:No, 1:Yes)
It sets if output the condition of Alarm. 0:No, don’t output condition of Alarm; 1:Yes, output
the condition of Alarm, Output point is M67,PIN8_CN10 Plug.
Note: The signals can be used as machine-protection or show condition of machine.
30,Language(1:Chinese, 0:English)
It sets the language of system. 1: Set language to Chinese ; 0: set to English.
31,Use Inner PMC(0:No, 1:Yes)
It sets if use inner PMC function; 0:No, no use; 1:Yes, use. 32: output points of CNC & output
points on PLC are valid when diagnosis; 64: output points of CNC are valid, and output points on
PLC are invalid when diagnosis.
Warning:It is usually used for adjusting parameters. system must use inner IO PMC when actual use,also
P31=1. Otherwise system will works abnormally.
32,Use High-Speed Inner PMC(0:No, 1:Yes)
It sets if use inner PMC function; 0:No, no use; 1:Yes, use. 32: output points of CNC & output
points on PLC are valid when diagnosis; 64: output points of CNC are valid, and output points on
PLC are invalid when diagnosis.
Warning:It is usually used for adjusting parameters. system must use inner IO PMC when actual use,also
P31=1. Otherwise system will works abnormally.
35,Soft-Limit is Valid when no homing(0:No, 1:Yes)
It sets if soft-limit is valid when not homing. 1:Yes,valid, 0:No,invalid.
Attention:the set of this parameter is related to operation habits.
It sets time and date of system. After set well,system will take this setting time as
basic,according to inner timer count time and shows in displayer.
Example:13:33, 16th, March, 2017; set P36=2017-03-16-13-33, & Enter.