-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 80 -
d. When point Z has been reached, after dwell time P, the spindle is stopped, then rotated in the
counter-clockwise direction(CCW) for retraction.
Set the retraction distance, d, P7 in User parameter
Set the retraction mode, P6 in User parameter. 0: Retract with d in rapid traverse, 1: Retract to
point R level.
During rigid tapping,Speed of feeding axes is set by SP_Speed(S) & threading pitch .
Note: 1. Do not specify a G code of the 01 group(G00-G03) and G84 in a single block. Otherwise, G84 will be
canceled and alarm.
2. In a block that does not contain K , rigid tapping is not performed and cannot pass compile.
3. In the canned cycle mode, tool offsets are ignored.
4. Before the drilling axis can be changed, the canned cycle must be canceled. If the drilling axis is
changed in rigid mode, cnc system will alarm.
5. During rigid tapping, Spindle-feedrate override and Feed-feedrate override don’t work.
Parameters Sets for Rigid Tapping
1, Standard tapping, following Spindle_Encoder mode, P411=2 in Axis parameter, CNC
system must be configured with SP-encoder
Special Note: When the transmission ratio between Spindle and Encoder is not 1:1, it must be configured
with SZGH Transfer Board & modify P412 & P413 in Axis parameter;
412, Number of spindle teeth
413, Number of encoder teeth
2, Rigid tapping, interpolation between Spindle & Drilling axis, P405=5, P410=94, P411=3 in
Axis parameter..
M75: Shift control mode of spindle to Position Control Mode(Pulse+Direction). After rigid
tapping, M74, cancel position control mode of spindle.
Rigid mode eliminates the need to use a floating tap required in the standard tapping mode,
thus allowing faster and more precise tapping.
M3 S100 ;
Cause the spindle to start rotating
G90 G99 G84 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-120 P300 K5 S100 ;
Position, tapping hole 1, then return to point R
Y-550. K5;
Position, tapping hole 2, then return to point R
G98 Y-750. K5; Position, tapping hole 1, then return to the initial level
G80 ;
Cancel rigid tapping cycle
End of program