-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
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CNC system support run processing program by input points , related input points is
X16-X23 & X26-X31.D2-D7:X26-X31; D8-D15:X16-X23.
D2 bit=1,also +4 , means X26 input is valid, execute program of "X26"/"HIDEFILEX26"
D3 bit=1,also +8, means X27 input is valid, execute program of "X27"/"HIDEFILEX27"
D4 bit=1,also +16, means X28 input is valid, execute program of "X28"/"HIDEFILEX28"
D5 bit=1,also +32, means X29 input is valid, execute program of "X29"/"HIDEFILEX29"
D6 bit=1,also +64, means X30 input is valid, execute program of "X30"/"HIDEFILEX30"
D7 bit=1,also +128, means X31 input is valid, execute program of "X31"/"HIDEFILEX31"
D8 bit=1,also +256 , means X16 input is valid, run program of "X16"/"HIDEFILEX16"
D9 bit=1,also +512, means X17 input is valid, run program of "X17"/"HIDEFILEX17"
D10 bit=1,also +1024 , means X18 input is valid, run program of "X18"/"HIDEFILEX18"
D11 bit=1,also +2048,means X19 input is valid, run program of "X19"/"HIDEFILEX19"
D12 bit=1,also +4096,means X20 input is valid, run program of "X20"/"HIDEFILEX20"
D13 bit=1,also +8192,means X21 input is valid, run program of "X21"/"HIDEFILEX21"
D14 bit=1,also +16384,means X22 input is valid, run program of "X22"/"HIDEFILEX22"
D15 bit=1,also +32768, means X23 input is valid, run program of "X23"/"HIDEFILEX23"
Example: When P230=+4+8=12, inputs of X26 or X27 is valid, CNC system will running
program of "X26"/"HIDEFILEX26" or "X27"/ "HIDEFILEX27".
231,Mode of "Delete" key [0:backward deletion,1:Forward delete]
It sets the mode of "Del" , delete key, when set to 0, press "Del" key, system will delete
backward word , when set to 1, Press "Del" key, system will delete forward word.
232,Detect SP_Zero position before tapping [18:Yes,0:No]
It is set for that if system needs to detect zero position of spindle encoder when tapping.
233,G06 Circle teaching function[0:No, 1:Yes]
It sets if system use G06 circle teaching function, 0 means no use; 1 means yes, use this
234,Activate Program Back Function with Han8:Yes, Other: No]
It sets if system activate program return back function that back to front processing blocks
with handwheel on Auto Handwheel condition.
Note:Press Auto & Handwheel keys enter this processing condition. Press Handwheel key again exit this
processing condition.
235,Automatically generate comments when teaching [0:Yes,1:No]
It sets for if generate comments automatically when user adopt teach-in function, 0: Yes, CNC
will generate comments automatically when record of Teach-in.
236,Type of Arc code when Teach-in[0:G5/G6 IJK,1:G2/G3 R]
It sets type of G code format for arc when user adopt Teach-in function, 0: when arc during
teach-in, use G5/G6 & IJK format; 1: G2/G3 & R format.