-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 45 -
3.19 Feed Mode
Feedrate of linear interpolation(G01),circular interpolation(G02/G03),etc. are commanded with
numbers after the F code.In cutting feed, the next block is executed so that the feedrate change from
the previous block is minimized.
Format: Feed per minute:
G94 ; G code (group 5) for feed per minute
F_ ; Feedrate command (mm/min or inch/min)
Feed per revolution
G95 ; G code (group 5) for feed per revolution
F_ ; Feedrate command (mm/rev or inch/rev)
Tangential speed constant control: Cutting feed is controlled so that the tangential feedrate is
always set at a specified feedrate.
Fig3.15.1 Tangential feedrate
Feed per minute (G94):
After specifying G94(in the feed per minute mode), the amount of feed of
the tool per minute is to be directly specified by setting a number after F. G94 is a modal code.
Once a G94 is specified, it is valid until G95(feed per revolution) is specified. At power-on, the feed
per minute mode is set.
An override from 0% to 150% can be applied to feed per minute with the switch on the
machine operator’s panel. For detailed information, see the appropriate manual of the machine tool
Fig3.15.2 Feed per minute
Warning: No override can be used for some commands such as for threading.
Feed per revolution(G95)
: After specifying G95(in the feed per revolution mode), the amount of
feed of the tool per spindle revolution is to be directly specified by setting a number after F. G95 is