-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 87 -
Parameter Set
: In Redeem, Length offset value: +200.0 is set in No.11 ; +190 is set in No.15 ; and
+150 is set in No.31.
Program Example:
G54 X0 Y0 Z0 ;
Coordinate setting at reference position
G90 G00 Z250.0 T11;
Tool change
G43 Z0 H11 ;
Initial level, tool length offset
S30 M3 ;
Start spindle CW
G99 G81 X400.0 Y-350.0 Z-153.0 R-97.0 F120 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #1
Y-550.0 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #2, return to point R level
G98 Y-750.0 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #3, return to initial level
G99 X1200.0 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #4, return to point R level
Y-550.0 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #5, return to point R level
N10 G98 Y-350.0 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #6, return to initial level
N11 G00 X0 Y0 M5 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #7, return to point R level
N12 G49 Z250.0 T15 ;
Tool length offset cancel, tool change
N13 G43 Z0 H15 ;
Initial level, tool length offset
N14 S20 M3 ;
Start spindle CW
N15 G99 G82 X550.0 Y-450.0 Z-130.0 R-97.0 P1 F50 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #7, return to point R level
N16 G98 Y-650.0 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #8, return to initial level
N17 G99 X1050.0 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #9, return to point R level
N18 G98 Y-450.0 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #10, return to initial level
N19 G00 X0 Y0 M5 ;
Return to reference position & Stop spindle
N20 G49 Z250.0 T31 ;
Tool length offset cancel, tool change
N21 G43 Z0 H31 ;
Initial level, tool length offset
N22 S10 M3 ;
Start spindle CW
N23 G85 G99 X800.0 Y-350.0 Z-153.0 R47.0 F150 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #11, return to point R level
N24 G91 Y-200.0 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #12, return to point R level
N25 Y-200.0 ;
Positioning, then drilling hole #13, return to point R level
N26 G90 G28 X0 Y0 M5 ;
Return to reference position & Stop spindle
N27 G49 Z0 G80 ;
Tool length offset cancel
N28 M02 ;
Program Stop